
I Got a Rock

In Doing The Deed by Holly Walker

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Do you remember the Charlie Brown Halloween special? When Charlie kept getting rocks in his trick-or-treat bag? Well today, I got a rock. I got 5 tons of rocks.


Las Vegas heat in the summertime is no joke. I don’t care if it’s a “dry heat.” 114 degrees is 114 degrees!

I moved to Vegas for work in 2002 and lived there for 2 years. I got there in the middle of July and drove a car that didn’t have air conditioning. If brown sugar melted, I’d be gone!

Still, I miss Vegas. I have family and friends there. I find any excuse to go back. The excuse this time was to help my friends with their garden project.

Most Vegas folk do “desert landscaping.” That entails rocks instead of grass. Rocks are much easier to maintain in the desert heat … and you don’t have to mow them nearly as much.

The delivery man, James, brought 5 tons of rocks. He had been driving all day in 114 degree heat in a truck with no air condition. If granulated sugar melted, he’d be gone!

Despite the heat, James was friendly and professional. I offered him water and he took me up on it immediately. He sucked it down as soon as I gave it to him. I gave him a treat … and it wasn’t even Halloween!

It was a simple act of kindness, a common courtesy. Funny that we use the word “common” with “courtesy.” Courtesy is not as common as one would think. It should be common, but it’s not. Kinda like “common sense.”

It’s not as hot in other places around the world, though with global warming it soon may be. Still, I’m going to make it a habit to offer water to service people.

I choose not to be like those parents from It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! They’re the worst. Seriously … what kind of a person would round up other parents, hatch a plan, collect rocks, and give them to a child on Halloween?!? Good grief!! Not me. Instead of tricks, I will treat everyone who visits me with kindness and care.

Photo (Flickr CC) by Pink Sherbet Photography

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Holly Walker

Holly Walker

Ms. Walker made her acting debut at the tender age of 8 in For Spring is the Season of Happiness. She almost turned down the role of Mother Nature (she wanted the role of "Spring") until she found out Mother Nature had the most lines. On that day, a diva was born. Holly has traveled the world performing comedy. She has been to more than 40 U.S. states and over 30 countries worldwide. She is an alum of the improvisational companies Boom Chicago and The Second City. Holly currently works on The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore as a writer and performer. She has been a part of the Rebel Storytellers family since 2009 and hopes to be with them for many years to come.
Holly Walker

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