Photo Spark 1-4: Jared for the Win

In Photo Spark by Brad Wise

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Brad Wise

Brad Wise

5 storytellers were given a daunting task—write a 250-word (or less) story explaining a random photograph. This is Photo Spark 1. This is story 4. This is Brad Wise with “Jared for the Win.”

To Whom It May Concern:

If you’re reading this letter, I guess you own my boat now. Do you even fish you sonvabitch?

I’m sorry. Despite what my wife said, I’m a good dude. I just want to know my boat is in good hands. If you have a minute drop me a line and let me know. Address on the envelope. Yes I’m at the Star Motel. Don’t get judgy.

P.S. She takes a little more oil than most boats. 20 ounces per 5 gallons of gas. Mix it right in. Drop the hammer. Go find some fish.

Good luck.



Dear Lonnie,

I bought your boat. I felt kind of bad about it because your wife was clearly acting out of revenge. I mean, she showed me pictures.

Anyways, thanks for the tip on the oil. You’ll be happy to know I fell for it. The mechanic informed me that only an idiot mixes the oil and gas with this engine.

Should I send you the repair bill?



Hey Jared!

You can send the bill to your butt!

Also, don’t be so smug about those pictures. It happened. I’m not proud. The end.




My butt? Are you 6 years old? I gave the bill to your wife. Along with your address. 

Yours truly,




She dropped by today. She yelled a lot and then we did it. Says she still loves me. I pretended to be happy. I get to move back in.

You win.


Photo (Flickr CC) by Brent Marshall

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Brad Wise

Brad Wise

Featured Storyteller
Brad is the Chief Creative Officer for Rebel Pilgrim Productions and co-founder of Rebel Storytellers. He co-hosts the Rebel Storytellers Podcast with Steve Fuller. And when he's not doing all that he's hanging out with his beautiful wife, Leah, and their kids, Henry and Jane. Their hound dog, Lola, is usually close by as well.
Brad Wise

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