
Water Whirled

In Doing The Deed by Holly Walker

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Ahhh … I feel great! Yesterday’s good deed, DRINK EIGHT GLASSES OF WATER, did me a world of good! I feel lighter and less sluggish. Last night I even had an alcoholic beverage (or two) and I don’t feel the effects nearly as much today as I usually do. That’s why today’s good deed is a no brainer.


I’m guilty. Guilty of buying plastic bottles. It’s so easy to grab a 16.9 oz plastic bottle of water and run out the door. They’re super cheap to buy and super easy to use. Unfortunately, they’re not super simple to get rid of.

It has come to my attention that we, human beings, have created a swirling patch of garbage called the Pacific Garbage Patch.

It’s huge. Massive. Its exact size is unknown, but it’s estimated to be twice the size of the continental United States. Twice the size. And a lot of it is made up of plastic bottles. Yikes.

The Garbage Patch was discovered by Capt. Charles Moore. He, as well as other like-minded individuals, is trying to get rid of it. One thing that will help is to stop putting more plastic bottles into it. He was interviewed by Stephen Colbert on the award winning Colbert Report. WARNING: There may be a 15 second promo for a comedian prior to the interview. I think it’s funny, but I enjoy humor that’s off kilter.

Statistic Brain says that the average American uses 167 plastic bottles a year. By buying a reusable water bottle I’ll be putting at least one less plastic bottle into the Titanic Spiraling Trough of Trash.

This is the bottle I ended up buying.

Not what you were expecting, huh? It’s very me though. It says “City Girl who’s concerned about her environment/Country Girl that still believes in canning.”

Photo (Flickr CC) by Steven Depolo

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Holly Walker

Holly Walker

Ms. Walker made her acting debut at the tender age of 8 in For Spring is the Season of Happiness. She almost turned down the role of Mother Nature (she wanted the role of "Spring") until she found out Mother Nature had the most lines. On that day, a diva was born. Holly has traveled the world performing comedy. She has been to more than 40 U.S. states and over 30 countries worldwide. She is an alum of the improvisational companies Boom Chicago and The Second City. Holly currently works on The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore as a writer and performer. She has been a part of the Rebel Storytellers family since 2009 and hopes to be with them for many years to come.
Holly Walker

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