
Cincy Stories Presents: George Smith

In Storytelling by Cincy Stories

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Cincy StoriesGeorge Smith is a former minor league baseball player. He was born and raised in Cincinnati. He loves this city and baseball.

George hopes to start a little league baseball team in Walnut Hills. If you would like to help George or you have a personal story you want to share with Cincinnati, contact us at

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Cincy Stories

Cincy Stories

Building community through narrative. That is Cincy Stories mission. Stories allow for walls to come down and empathy and understanding to be built in their place. Stories are the key to relationships and relationships are the key to community. With personal story, Cincy Stories hopes to build a deep community of listening, understanding and empathy. Whether through our live, bi-monthly storytelling events, short documentary stories or written stories, we know that stories do sacred things and simply want to take part in the hearing and telling of our collective stories.
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